Pornpipat Popum

Any pronouns

Location: Thailand

Gender: Genderfluid

Programming Languages

Rust, Python, TypeScript (JavaScript), Go Frameworks: Next.js, React, Nuxt.js, Vue.js, Flask, Rocket, Tokio


Next.js, React, Nuxt.js, Vue.js, Flask, Rocket, Tokio


Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible, Git, Linux (Fedora/RHEL)

  • Andaman - An advanced meta build system in Rust, including a CI/CD script runner and scripting in Rhai. Used in packaging and CI/CD workflows for tauOS and Ultramarine Linux.

  • Datchani (ดัชนี) - A filesystem indexer and search engine in Rust, powered by SurrealDB. Created as a replacement for GNOME&aposs Tracker for tauOS.

Pornpipat Popum

DevOps & Systems Engineer @ Fyra Labs,
Ultramarine Linux Project Lead

AKA Cappy Ishihara. Software and Systems Engineer from Bangkok, Thailand. Linux enthusiast.
I specialize in engineering and building systems that are light, secure, and reliable.
I also enjoy writing software and building tools that empower people to do more with less.